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Table 1 The search terms and search syntax

From: What is the global prevalence of depression among men who have sex with men? A systematic review and meta-analysis


Search syntax


("Depressions"[Title/Abstract] OR "Depressive Symptoms"[Title/Abstract] OR "Depressive Symptom"[Title/Abstract] OR ("Symptom"[Title/Abstract] AND "Depressive"[Title/Abstract]) OR ("Symptoms"[Title/Abstract] AND "Depressive"[Title/Abstract]) OR "Emotional Depression"[Title/Abstract] OR ("Depression"[Title/Abstract] AND "Emotional"[Title/Abstract]) OR ("Depressions"[Title/Abstract] AND "Emotional"[Title/Abstract]) OR "Depression"[Title/Abstract] OR "mental health"[Title/Abstract] OR "mental disorder"[Title/Abstract]) AND ("MSM"[Title/Abstract] OR "Men who have sex with men"[Title/Abstract] OR "Homosexual men"[Title/Abstract] OR "Homosexuality"[Title/Abstract] OR "homosexual"[Title/Abstract])

Web of Sciences

TOPIC: (Depressions OR "Depressive Symptoms “OR "Depressive Symptom “OR (Symptom AND Depressive) OR (Symptoms AND Depressive) OR "Emotional Depression” OR (Depression AND Emotional) OR (Depressions AND Emotional) OR "Emotional Depressions” OR depression OR "mental health” OR "mental disorder") AND TOPIC: (MSM OR "Men who have sex with men” OR "Homosexual men” OR "Homosexuality “OR "homosexual")


(depressions OR 'depressive symptoms' OR 'depressive symptom'/exp OR 'depressive symptom' OR (('symptom'/exp OR symptom) AND depressive) OR (symptoms AND depressive) OR 'emotional depression' OR (('depression'/exp OR depression) AND emotional) OR (depressions AND emotional) OR 'emotional depressions' OR 'depression'/exp OR depression OR 'mental health'/exp OR 'mental health' OR 'mental disorder'/exp OR 'mental disorder') AND (msm:jt OR 'men who have sex with men':jt OR 'homosexual men':jt OR 'homosexuality':jt OR 'homosexual':jt)


(TITLE-ABS-KEY (depressions OR “Depressive Symptoms” OR “Depressive Symptom” OR (symptom AND depressive) OR (symptoms AND depressive) OR “Emotional Depression” OR (depression AND emotional) OR (depressions AND emotional) OR “Emotional Depressions” OR depression OR “mental health” OR “mental disorder”) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (msm OR "Men who have sex with men" OR "Homosexual men" OR "Homosexuality" OR "homosexual"))