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Table 1 Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the sample

From: What influences psychological functioning in patients with mood disorders? The role of clinical, sociodemographic, and temperamental characteristics in a naturalistic study


Total sample (N = 166)

Age (M ± DS)

47.7 (14.1)

Gender, M, % (N)

44.6 (74)

Living situation, with partner yes % (N)

50.0 (83)

Years of education (M ± DS)

12.9 (3.7)

Employed, yes, % (N)

45.2 (75)

Duration of illness (M ± DS)

16.2 (13.8)

Diagnosis, % (N)

 Bipolar disorder

57.4 (93)

 Major depression

42.6 (69)

Suicide attempts, yes, % (N)

21.8 (36)

Seasonality, yes, % (N)

25.6 (42)

Presence of psychotic symptoms during acute phases, yes, % (N)

29. (42)

Aggressive behaviors, yes, % (N)

23.0 (37)

BIS-11, total score

78.3 (15.5)

BIS11, Attentional impulsiveness subscale

19.22 (4.1)

BIS11, Motor impulsiveness subscale

29.72 (9.0)

BIS11, Non-planning impulsiveness subscale

29.4 (4.7)

Depressive affective temperament

22.4 (6.5)

Hyperthymic affective temperament

18.6 (5.2)

Anxious affective temperament

18.9 (7.3)

Cyclothymic affective temperament

22.8 (8.2)

Irritable affective temperament

16.9 (7.6)

HAM-D, total score

8.5 (9.7)

YMRS, total score

3.0 (6.6)

MANSA, total score

3.8 (1.1)

PSP, total score, M (SD)

70.3 (19.1)

B-MCCB, symbol coding, M (SD)

37.5 (13.4)

B-MCCB, animal naming, M (SD)

19.0 (6.8)

B-MCCB trial making test A, M (SD)

48.3 (20.6)

  1. MANSA: Manchester Short Assessment of Quality of Life, B-MCCB Brief MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery, PSP Personal and Social Performance Scale, BIS-11 Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, HAM-D Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, YMRS: Young Mania Rating Scale