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Table 6 Perceived advantages and disadvantages of virtual care from the perspective of healthcare professionals

From: Canadian pediatric eating disorder programs and virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods approach to understanding clinicians’ perspectives

Perceived advantages

Perceived disadvantages

Increased flexibility to meet patient, family, and provider needs

Increased accessibility to care

Perceived as a viable alternative to in-person care

No change in therapist–patient relationship and establishment of therapeutic alliance

Facilitated team organization and collaboration

Inequity in access to technology for providers and patients/families

Privacy concerns for patients in their homes

Technological difficulties

Logistical and administrative difficulties

Difficulty establishing therapeutic alliance and engaging unmotivated patients

Difficulty reconciling ED care principles with limitations of virtual care (e.g., allowing patient to have a scale in their home to allow for weighing at a distance)

Work-from-home and virtual meetings impede informal collaboration between colleagues

Patients logging into sessions in public places

Body image concerns may be exacerbated for patients when seeing themselves on screen