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Table 1 Summarization of the results of the 17 statements

From: Nationwide consensus on the clinical management of treatment-resistant depression in Italy: a Delphi panel





In my opinion environmental and personological factors are among the main factors responsible for the non-response to treatment of almost all patients with TRD




In my clinical practice I also consider as treatment resistant a patient with incomplete improvement of symptoms (partial response) after an adequate period of treatment



In clinical practice I usually use scales/questionnaires for the diagnostic classification and/or evaluation of the clinical course of the patient with depression



In my opinion a shared strategy is being pursued in Italy (based on guidelines, evidence-based treatments, diagnostic-therapeutic pathways) for the management of patients with TRD




Based on my clinical experience, I believe that after the second treatment failure there is a clear reduction in remission chances




When I treat a depressed patient, if after 3–4 weeks there is no response, I decide to change the antidepressant therapy



When treating a depressed patient who has failed to respond to two antidepressants, I believe the best option is to combine an antipsychotic, such as quetiapine



When treating a depressed patient who has failed to respond to two antidepressants, I do tend to add lithium first




In treating a depressed patient who has failed to respond to two antidepressants I do tend to associate psychotherapy first




When treating a depressed patient who has failed to respond to two antidepressants, I believe the best option is to combine esketamine (if currently available or when available in my centre)




I am satisfied with the efficacy of lithium and/or antipsychotics as augmentation therapies for patients with TRD




I use (or I will use) esketamine nasal spray only after non-response to the available augmentation/increase strategies



After obtaining a satisfactory response to treatment in a patient with TRD, long-term maintenance of therapy is essential




In my opinion most patients with TRD can be treated with esketamine nasal spray in a community outpatient setting, without difficulties




Educational support for patients helps to make the best use of the therapeutic opportunity offered by esketamine nasal spray




In my daily reality, I have adequate and sufficient resources (staff, logistics, facilities, etc.) to provide patients with TRD with the best possible care




In my opinion there are aspects of professional responsibility that the clinician must take into consideration in order to prefer, when possible, drugs with approved clinical indications for patients with TRD

