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Table 5 Factor loadings for Greek NEO-PI-3 facet scales after Procrustes rotation

From: Standardization of the NEO-PI-3 in the Greek general population




NEO-PI-3 facet







N1: Anxiety







N2: Angry hostility







N3: Depression







N4: Self-consciousness







N5: Impulsiveness







N6: Vulnerability







E1: Warmth







E2: Gregariousness







E3: Assertiveness







E4: Activity







E5: Excitement-seeking







E6: Positive emotions







O1: Fantasy







O2: Aesthetics







O3: Feelings







O4: Actions







O5: Ideas







O6: Values







A1: Trust







A2: Straightforwardness







A3: Altruism







A4: Compliance







A5: Modesty







A6: Tender-mindedness







C1: Competence







C2: Order







C3: Dutifulness







C4: Achievement-striving







C5: Self-discipline







C6: Deliberation














  1. Note. N = 734. These are principal components rotated to the American normative target (Costa and McCrae, [5]). Loadings greater than .40 in absolute magnitude are given in boldface type. Highest loadings are marked in italics.
  2. Abbreviations: NEO-PI-3 NEO Personality Inventory-3, N Neuroticism, E Extraversion, O Openness, A Agreeableness, C Conscientiousness, VCC variable congruence coefficient.
  3. aCongruence higher than that of 99% of rotations from random data; bCongruence higher than that of 95% of rotations from random data; cFactor/total congruence coefficient with target matrix.