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Table 3 Learning objectives: CBT tutorial

From: Integrating technology into cognitive behavior therapy for adolescent depression: a pilot study

After completing the tutorial do you feel able to:

Module 1. Theoretical principles of CBT

 Describe the core concepts behind Becks Cognitive Theory of Depression, Learned Helplessness, & Social learning

 Describe the main idea behind Social Learning Theory

 Describe the nature of therapeutic relationship in CBT

Module 2. Explaining the nature of depression to clients

 Provide key information to clients on the nature of depression

Module 3. Explaining treatment rationale to clients

 Explain the rationale underlying CBT treatment to clients

 Help clients identify initial treatment goals

 Explain CBT session structure and format to clients

Module 4. Mood monitoring

 Explain the rationale for mood monitoring to clients

 Teach clients how to monitor their mood

 Develop a plan for mood monitoring for the teen to use before the next session

Module 5. Goal setting

 Teach clients the basic principles of goal setting

 Explain the rationale for breaking down goals into sub-goals, making them specific, and attainable

 Help clients set long- and short-term treatment goals

Module 6. Behavioral activation

 Explain the rationale for behavioral activation

 Teach clients the skill of activity scheduling

 Teach clients the skill of increasing pleasant activities

Module 7. Problem solving

 Explain the rationale for problem solving to clients

 Describe the steps in problem solving

 Describe emotional barriers to problem solving and how to deal with them

Module 8. Cognitive restructuring

 Explain What Automatic Thoughts are to clients (called “unhelpful thoughts”)

 Teach clients to identify their unhelpful thoughts

 Teach clients how to replace automatic thoughts with more helpful and realistic thoughts through

 Teach clients how to use the three and 5 column mood monitoring forms for identifying and challenging unhelpful thoughts