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Archived Comments for: Parental attitudes and opinions on the use of psychotropic medication in mental disorders of childhood

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  1. Reasons for parents concern about Psychotropics

    gurinder singh, Royal Manchester Children Hospital.Manchester

    23 December 2007

    Although Scientific facts differ from the parents's belief but results of this study are not surprising.Considering the fact that use of

    antipsychotic treatment is associated with metabolic side effects that include various degrees of weight gain, dyslipidemia,

    susceptibility to type 2 diabetes,it is natural for parents to consider psychotherapy as first choice of treatment.These adverse

    effects associated with second-generation antipsychotics are also part of the metabolic syndrome, which has been associated with higher morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disorders .Using presence of abdominal obesity and/or elevated fasting blood glucose may identify 100% of the patients with the metabolic syndrome. To change the belief of parents and patients we need to incorporate monitoring and dealing for metabloic effects protocols into our practice. Its the only way to ensure parents about safety in the use of Psychotrpic medication.

    Competing interests

    None declared
